Welcome to Hispanic•ish!

Hello! Hello…or shall I say, ¡Hola!

What I hope we can do is chat openly about what it is like to be an American with strong Hispanic roots through observations, open discussions, essays and stories about the double life many of us live in order to assimilate - or indulge in the American ways - without losing sight of what makes us who we are.

After spending most of my life hiding behind being a New Yorker - unlike my “true” Hispanic friends who identified as New Yoricans from an early age - I am coming to terms that my culture is what makes me unique and allows me to navigate the world through the privilege of bilingualism, fly dance moves, a deep appreciation to preserve family traditions and delicious meals.

Hispanic•ish is a newsletter dedicated to the experiences of a New Yorker with strong Hispanic roots.

Who I am

A writer. An entrepreneur. A New Yorker. A Puerto Rican (I know…. “pero…you don’t look Puerto Rican.” Yeah, I get that a lot) An equal lover of Tony’s Pizza and arroz con habichuelas. And a wife, mother and homeschooler.

A 2023 third place award recipient from the New England Newspaper & Press Association in the Social Issues Featured Story and a 2019 Gateway Cities Innovator Award Recipient.

As a Hispanic woman navigating the corporate world for decades, the universe showed me a way out when I lost my job in 2013. Through that, I quickly learned how to acknowledge my self-worth and dived right into the entrepreneurial world as a digital media strategist and business consultant. Over the last eight years, I have become increasingly aware of the lack of representation Black and Brown cultures have in entrepreneurial spaces and as a whole in society.

Now, I solely focus on working with creatives that look like me in hopes of bridging the gap between our cultures and that of the American Dream. Education, like abuela always told me, is the key to a better future and I hope to bring some education - and entertainment - to this newsletter.

Tap into the world of Latinx authors with our Sister Publication: Stores That Grow

Why Subscribe

Gratis!!! We all love free things and all this is free:

  • My commentary and weekly writings. Topics ranging from the Colonization of Avocado Toast to Must There Always be Cat in the Bodega to I have 38 Tabs open, Help!

  • Audio Clips

Pero…. there is a paid subscription and all of the above is included, plus:

  • Zoom Events, Bonus Content, Past Content, Audio Clips

To find out more about the company that provides the tech for this newsletter, visit Substack.com.

Subscribe to Hispanic•ish

growing up American with Hispanic roots.


Writer. Entrepreneur. Podcaster. Mindset + Wellness Coach. Co-Host @donttouchmypodcast & Business Beat @wicn905