Thanks for this article. Wondering who the champions of full statehood are in the legislature? Also why are only 52% voting for statehood - are there tax implications to residents of Puerto Rico?

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In 2022, the House passed the Puerto Rico Status Act with a 233-191 vote, with some Republican support. These are the supporters: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/senate-bill/3231/cosponsors. Puerto Ricans on the island who are not voting for statehood want complete independence from the U.S. because they have never been an independent country. From parts of my family members on the island that have spoken about statehood, they fear additional lands being taken from them, increase tourism that damages the environment and livability for residents and will decrease the sustainability that residents have put in place to expand environmental efforts to combat climate change. Overall, they will lose who they are.

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